When configuring your system, tailor as much graphical performance as possible around your budget. Keep in mind that multiple mid-range cards often outperform a single high-end graphics card. It also scales near perfectly when adding additional cards, so we highly recommended multi-GPU options for OctaneRender. Therefore, high-end cards perform better and scale perfectly to the performance improvement each card up the range provides. OctaneRender is also exceptional at using up every bit of GPU performance available. GPU’s contain hundreds or thousands of cores whereas a CPU is limited to a few dozen at best.

Otoy has made a solid choice here because rendering is a highly multi-threaded task meaning it performs better with more cores. OctaneRender is a GPU render engine, meaning that all the computing takes place on a GPU or graphics cards rather than a CPU. Let’s jump straight in with the most important aspect when building a system for Otoy OctaneRender, the GPU. Best Graphics Configuration for Otoy OctaneRender? Below we share all our findings to help you configure your next Otoy OctaneRender Workstation. We have worked extensively with Otoy OctaneRender users to provide tailored, purpose-built Workstation solutions for this exceptional render engine. Slow render times leads to missed deadlines, reduction in your production capacity and ultimately can cost you time and money. The demands of an unbiased render engine mean you need the right Workstation solution to get quick results and work efficiently. OctaneRender fully calculates each ray of light, delivering highly accurate depictions of your scene. Unbiased render engines do not use any tricks or cut any corners to speed up renders. With the high resolutions often required in OctaneRender projects and the unbiased nature of the render engine, it is especially true for this software package. Rendering any scene is a demanding task for Workstation hardware. With the performance capabilities OctaneRender provides, and the extensive list of applications it plugs into, it is easy to see why it is so popular amongst professionals.

Otoy OctaneRender is one of the worlds most popular and fastest unbiased render engines in the world. Manufacturing, Engineering & Product Design.Architectural Engineering & Construction.WS-M IC-M PRO (NVIDIA RTX, Intel® Core™).Multi WS GeForce RTX 4080 / 4090 Solutions.